KUBO Group consists of four companies that strengthen and support each other. At KUBO Group and its subsidiaries, we are synonymous with innovation and sustainability, constantly striving to advance the agricultural sector.
Change and innovation is an important part of KUBO's DNA. From KUBO's inception, we have been at the forefront of the industry. In recent years, we have made greater strides than ever.
"Knowledge is the main bottleneck."
Leo Marcelis - Professor of Horticulture and Product Physiology at Wageningen University & Research
KUBO Group Innovations

Carbon-negative greenhouse
KUBO's newest Ultra-Clima is the world's first carbon-negative greenhouse. Our growing world faces an enormous challenge.

KUBO made a revolutionary contribution to the agricultural sector more than 15 years ago with the invention of the semi-closed greenhouse called Ultra-Clima®. This innovative greenhouse combines advanced technologies to create optimal growing conditions, resulting in higher yields and more efficient energy consumption. With the Ultra-Clima®, KUBO continues to lead the way in sustainable and productive agricultural solutions.

Energy Efficiency
The latest Ultra-Clima greenhouses provide energy savings of 15% to 50% over traditional greenhouses. This is not only good news for the climate, but also for the grower's income.

With Hortiflow you get peace and overview in your process, even during the most challenging circumstances. The trend of increasingly smaller orders is no longer a problem thanks to our innovative and powerful software, which delivers sold products to your customers punctually.
Three years of Blue Lab experience