KUBO Companies

KUBO Group consists of four companies that strengthen and support each other. At KUBO Group and its subsidiaries, we are synonymous with innovation and sustainability, constantly striving to advance the agricultural sector.

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At KUBO Group, we believe sustainability is at the core of our long-term success and resilience.

ESG: The Driving Force of Corporate Responsibility

In the rapidly changing landscape of today's business world, the crucial role of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) is becoming increasingly prominent. At KUBO Group, we embrace this change and see ESG not just as an obligation, but as an opportunity to strengthen our commitment to a sustainable future.

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ESG goals

KUBO ESG targets

In today's world, we face major challenges: poverty, hunger, inequality, climate change and the biodiversity crisis are just some of the issues we urgently need to address. Big challenges require bold action to overcome them, and that's where the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) come in. They are designed to build a greener, fairer and better world by 2030. And we all have a role in achieving them.

An end to poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change. This is the core of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the period 2015-2030.

With these goals, we want to achieve a sustainable world for all by 2030, where no one is excluded. In 2015, all 193 member countries of the United Nations (UN) adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. The goals apply to all countries and all people.

KUBO's strategy is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) used as a compass toward 2030. KUBO embraces all the SDGs, but can make impactful contributions particularly against eight of them. Third parties are used to validate, certify, assess and challenge its performance, including: SBTi and Anthesis / Climate Neutral Group. KUBO undertakes to report transparently on its performance at least on an annual basis.

Zero Hunger

SDG 2: The goal of ending hunger involves ensuring that everyone, everywhere in the world, has access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food. This goal seeks to ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote agricultural productivity. It aims to eliminate malnutrition and hunger, promote sustainable agricultural practices and ensure a stable food supply for the world's growing population.

KUBO is engaged in agricultural greenhouse projects worldwide. Through the design and construction of high-tech closed greenhouses and greenhouse systems, KUBO strives for sustainable solutions in the sector, supports efficient technologies and methods that improve food production and food quality. In doing so, KUBO contributes to reducing hunger and malnutrition worldwide and indirectly ensures healthy and safe food.

Good Health and Wellness

SDG 3: Ensure good health and promote well-being for all ages. Some specific subgoals within SDG 3 include reducing maternal and child mortality, combating infectious diseases, promoting mental health and strengthening health infrastructure.

KUBO has a focus on contributing healthy production and nutritious crops in greenhouses. Promoting sustainable horticultural practices and improving the availability of healthy food contributes to good health, reducing premature mortality and disease.

By pursuing the goals of SDG 3, KUBO can contribute to promoting good health and well-being, both directly and indirectly, in line with broader global efforts to ensure healthy lifestyles and well-being.

Decent work and economic growth

SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Some specific goals within SDG 8 include promoting productivity through diversification, technological modernization and innovation and, for example, ensuring decent jobs, addressing youth unemployment and protecting labor rights.

For KUBO, SDG 8 means its commitment to promoting decent work and economic growth within its operations. Some aspects in which KUBO pursues this goal are:

  • Employment: contributing to the creation of decent and sustainable jobs both locally and in areas where its projects are located. This may include training and employing local communities;
  • Innovation and Technological Advancement: By investing in innovative greenhouse technologies and sustainable agricultural practices, contribute to economic growth in the agricultural sector both locally and globally;
  • Labor rights and decent work: KUBO only does business with partners that respect labor rights and ensures that working conditions are in line with international standards, providing workers with decent work and a good quality of life.

By actively contributing to SDG 8, KUBO can have a positive impact on economic development, employment and working conditions, thereby contributing to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth worldwide.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

SDG9 seeks to improve mobility and infrastructure, and reduce its drawbacks - such as lost time due to traffic jams, traffic insecurity and environmental pressures. It also requires businesses to innovate and become more sustainable. Some specific goals within SDG 9 include promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, increasing access to financial services and developing reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure.

For KUBO, SDG 9 could mean focusing on various aspects of industrial development, innovation and infrastructure, such as:

  • Innovative greenhouse technologies: invest in and promote innovative greenhouse technologies that increase the efficiency of horticultural production and support sustainable horticultural practices;
  • Sustainable agricultural practices: By implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices, KUBO contributes to the development of a sustainable industry in the agricultural sector;
  • Cooperation and Innovation: promote cooperation with other organizations and participate in research and development to find innovative solutions to agricultural and greenhouse technology challenges.

By contributing to SDG 9, KUBO can help promote sustainable growth and development, both in its specific sector and more broadly in collaboration with local communities and stakeholders.


Sustainable cities and communities

This goal seeks to create inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities. Some specific goals within SDG 11 include improving urban planning and management, protecting cultural heritage, reducing the environmental impact of cities and ensuring access to safe and affordable housing.

For KUBO, SDG 11 relates to different aspects depending on their involvement in urban and community development projects. Some ways KUBO can contribute to this are:

  • Greenhouse technologies that enable efficient and sustainable food production within urban environments;
  • Eco-friendly infrastructure: By developing and implementing eco-friendly greenhouse technologies and agricultural practices, contribute to reducing the environmental impact of urban areas;
  • Working with local communities: working with partners/clients and local communities to support sustainable and inclusive development projects such as job creation, promoting local economies and improving quality of life;
  • Innovation in housing: If KUBO is involved in projects related to housing, it can pursue innovative, sustainable and affordable housing solutions to meet the needs of urban communities.

By focusing on SDG 11, KUBO can help create sustainable, resilient cities and communities, focusing on balancing economic development, environmental protection and social inclusiveness.

Responsible consumption and production

This goal seeks to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Some specific goals within SDG 12 include promoting efficient use of natural resources, reducing waste and pollution, and encouraging sustainable practices in both consumption and production.

For KUBO, SDG 12 can mean focusing on various aspects of responsible consumption and production in the context of its activities. Some ways KUBO can contribute are:

  • Sustainable agricultural practices: strive to implement environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural techniques in greenhouse projects, such as water management, use of renewable energy and minimization of chemical inputs such as pesticide;
  • Resource efficiency: through advanced greenhouse technologies, strive to use natural resources, such as water and land, more efficiently to maximize yields and reduce environmental impact;
  • Education and awareness: actively contribute to raising awareness about sustainable consumption and production, both within its own organization and in the broader communities in which KUBO operates.

By working toward the goals of SDG 12, KUBO can have a positive impact on reducing the environmental footprint of its operations and contribute to a more sustainable and responsible approach to both consumption and production.

Climate Action

The goal of Climate Action is to take immediate action to combat climate change and its impacts. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting resilience to climate change and creating awareness about climate-related issues.

For KUBO, SDG 13 means focusing on various aspects of climate action in relation to its activities in the agriculture and greenhouse sector. Some of the ways KUBO contributes are

  • Renewable energy: strive to use renewable energy sources in the completed greenhouses, such as green power, geothermal and solar energy, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Climate Resilient Agricultural Practices: By implementing innovative greenhouse technologies, contribute to climate-resilient agricultural practices that are less susceptible to the negative effects of climate change;
  • Awareness and education: actively contribute to raising awareness about climate change and the importance of climate action, both within the organization and in collaboration with local communities;
  • CO2 Footprint Reduction: KUBO is committed to reducing its footprint by making more efficient use of resources, implementing energy-saving measures, utilizing green energy, and adopting sustainable practices throughout the entire value chain. KUBO has set ambitious targets for significantly reducing its footprint in scope 1, 2, and 3 areas.

By actively contributing to SDG 13, KUBO can help reduce the negative impact of climate change and contribute to global efforts to limit global warming and protect our planet.

Life on the land

SDG 15 is about protection, restoration and sustainable management of life on land in all its forms. Protection and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity can strengthen resilience to increasing population pressure, land use intensification and climate change.

For KUBO, SDG 15 means focusing on various aspects of sustainable land use and environmental protection in relation to its activities. Some of the ways KUBO contributes are:

  • Sustainable agricultural practices: strive to implement sustainable agricultural techniques in completed greenhouses to preserve biodiversity, reduce land degradation and protect ecosystems;
  • Restoring Landscapes: be involved in projects aimed at restoring landscapes, including reforesting areas or supporting conservation initiatives;
  • Environmental Awareness: contribute to raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity, conservation and sustainable land use, both within its organization and in collaboration with local communities;
  • Resource efficiency: Through advanced greenhouse technologies, strive for more efficient use of land and natural resources, reducing pressure on natural ecosystems.

By working on SDG 15, KUBO makes a positive contribution to conserving biodiversity, restoring ecosystems and promoting sustainable land use, which is essential for maintaining healthy and resilient environments.

Want to know more about KUBO Group and ESG goals?